Thursday, February 2, 2012

Project Life

My new goal is to participate in the Project Live, Life Recorded, Project 365, etc --- both digitally and physically so I purchased the Becky Higgins Clementine Kit.  I also purchased the
digital version at Jessica Sprague.  There are so many programs like this i thought "why not try to mix them"  so we will see!!!!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Third Days New Release

Third Day happens to be one of my favorite CCM bands (I know it seems like I have a lot but this IS about my Favorite Things so I would be hard pressed not to post, well, about my favorite things).  So they came out with a new release yesterday and I am of course, head over heels for it.  I would argue it's my favorite yet!  Take a listen at amazon!

My Reviews
1. Lift Up Your Face - Amazing. Classic Third Day Sound
2. Make Your Move - Reminds me of Higher Ground by The Red Hot Chili Peppers
3. Children Of God - So So
4. Surrender - INSPIRATIONAL!
5. Trust in Jesus - Again - classic Third Day. Very Comforting Song!
6. Follow Me There - this is a "PRAISE" Song!
7. Gone - So I am going to say it's kind of Big Head Todd, but I am sure a lot would disagree
8. What Have You got to Lose - Kind of a slower thoughtful song
9. I'll be Your Miracle -Catchy Song. I find my self kind of doing a shoulder shake at my desk, heehee
10. Everywhere You Go - ANOTHER catchy song. Man I love Third Day!
11. Sound of Your Voice
12. Don't - Motivating Song. Having a Bad Day - LISTEN TO THIS!!!!

Thursday, August 26, 2010

OMG Music!!!

So it occurred to me the other day will Aaron and I were driving out to the wineries that another one of my favorite things is MUSIC!  I love music.  It happened to be a Sunday and I had been thoroughly inspired by the sermon so i plugged in my ipod and started listening to some of my old school CCM!  I love hearing songs i haven't heard in a while.  Of course, since the sermon was about Defining Moments, a song by Newboys immediately came to mind ....

Then I started going through and found one of my all time favorite artists.  If you haven't heard Shane & Shane, you are totally missing out.  It's inspiration, cheerful, and totally chill.
Well, that's my favorite things of the day!

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Short background

I wanted to post a quick little "blog" about the things i use the most in my daily life.  My laptop and my cameras!!!!  These are definitely MY FAVORITE THINGS!!

Friday, August 20, 2010

Allow myself to introduce...myself

So among my MANY hobbies of wine-drinking, running, reading, photography, scrapping and finding misc other projects for myself, I have an unhealthy (for my wallet) obsession with [collecting] gadgets, shoes, bags, books, music, movies.... well, the list goes on.

So I have decided to begin a blog about my endeavors (purchases) and to start the show i thought I would right about my beloved Kindle.

The Kindle was a purchase 2 1/2 years in the making. Yes, it took me almost three years to convince my husband that it would be a good purchase. I watched it, coveted it (shame on me) and finally Amazon lowered the price a whole $30.00! I ran to my husband the MINUTE I saw it and convinced him it was fate! Feeling triumphant that he had shown me that waiting pays off, he agreed that now was the time to buy. It took 3 clicks of a button and I was a Kindle owner! It felt great. [side note: the price dropped anther $30.00 or so a few months later]

Thank goodness it only took 2 days to show up on my doorstep . I began downloading books immediately. Heaven! Needless to say, I began reading and didn't stop for nearly a month. There were (good) free book offers, books for under $5.00 and new releases for $9.99. I reread the entire Twilight Saga for the sole purpose of reading it on the Kindle. I had a Dr appointment, stuck in the waiting room for 45 mins - no problem! Kindle was in my purse. We traveled to Germany. The Kindle fit nicely in my carry-on and for once it wasn't packed solid with books for the plane/car ride. Now, nearly a year later, I never leave the house without it. It's the perfect companion for anytime you are stuck waiting.

THEN the other day I see that Barnes and Noble has a Nook for sale that looks similar to the Kindle but with a few added features (notably: lend to friend and ability to use a memory card) and of course Apple released their iPad. I would be lying if I said I'm not intrigued but after the awe wore off, I realized that my Kindle is perfect and constantly evolving (they offer updates that add features periodically...maybe lend to friend is even in the Kindles future). I am excited to see the evolution of the Kindle. So my husband can sigh in relief. Before I run out and purchase a new gadget, i am going to see what my Kindle has in store.